For many young people, āeducationā is a complicated topic. Ask any student how they feel about their education, and you're likely to receive any variety of responses:
Itās great!
Itās ok.
I hate it.
Regardless of the responses, studies show that students require a conglomeration of skills in order to be successful at learning. Some of these skills are first learned at home: how to listen, stay focused, wait your turn, manage conflict, make wise choices. Other skills are first learned in school: how to analyze a text, contribute to a large group discussion, write an essay. But what happens when a student has not learned a skill and is expected to continue moving forward in the learning process?
Since we have experts in every area of education, we can cover all levels of academic support including, but not limited to:
All academic subjects, both core and elective
All counseling services
All college and career ready services
Social awareness
Perspective taking
Respecting diversity
Understanding social and ethical norms of behavior
Regulating one's emotions
Managing stress
Setting and achieving goalsā
Relationship Skills
Building relationships with diverse individuals and groups
Communicating clearly
Working cooperatively
Resolving conflicts
Seeking help
Labeling oneās feelings
Relating feelings and thoughts to behavior
Accurate self-assessment of strengths and challenges
Responsible Decision-Making
Considering the well-being of self and others
Recognizing oneās responsibility to behave ethically
Basing decisions on safety, social & ethical considerations
Evaluating realistic consequences of various actions
Making constructive, safe choices for self, relationships, school, and work
Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee
Apply appropriate academic and technical skills
Attend to personal health and financial well-being
Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason
Consider the environmental, social, and economical impacts of decisions
Demonstrate creativity and innovation
Employ valid and reliable research practices
Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems persevere in solving them
Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management
Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals
Use technology to enhance productivity
Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence
Create individual student plans of study
Support in discovering interests and passions
Empowerment through choosing the educational pathway that will lead to success
Continually self-reflects and seeks to improve the essential life and career practices that lead to success.
Uses effective communication and collaboration skills and resources to interact with a global society.
Is financially literate and financially responsible at home and in the broader community.
Is knowledgeable about careers and can plan, execute, and alter career goals in response to changing societal and economic conditions.
Seeks to attain skill and content mastery to achieve success in a chosen career path
Our team is able to help facilitate discussions with other education experts on behalf of your child. We can provide guidance relating to IEPs, 504s, and other accommodations.
We are well-versed in the language of support, so we will be able to guide you and your student through the process.
Together, we can ensure the best outcomes for your student.